Inspired by weather systems, which are often very dynamic, and the concept of the Middle of the Sky (MC or Medium Coeli), the centre is important in the works in this series, as is the stretched format.
The works explore the borderline between depiction of movement and the gesture which creates a stroke.
The works being abstract, they are not intended to depict anything particular other than a line, colour and direction of stroke. However there is a connection between the gesture (the movement required to undertake a stroke) the materials, methods of application and composition and the image which they combine to create.
Whilst the images are, of course, static they require movement and energy for their creation. How much of that remains perceived as captured in the piece by the viewer?

Watercolour and ink on paper, 72 x 116 cm

Watercolour and ink on paper, 72 x 116 cm

Watercolour and ink on paper, 72 x 116 cm
Other Works
All Portfolios can be viewed here