When composing a photo the first thought which comes to mind when there is not enough light, or too much, or when we notice the light is in some other way unusual, is that these conditions are undesirable and difficult to overcome. The reaction is often to complain about the limitations of the equipment or to look for a technical solution. Indeed, there are ‘Know How’ books about photography in adverse conditions.
Whilst it is helpful to have that knowledge and the best equipment, if you only have a good smartphone as your camera and you are not intending to produce large scale prints, you can nevertheless still find ways to succeed.
Sometimes images simply portray a variation of an archetype, sometimes they can be symbols but on other occasions well-known things completely lose their predetermined meaning.
So, what might be a good alternative to technology would be to train one’s perception and so be able to use the uniqueness of the situation to advantage.
By finding unusual and hence interesting ways to look at the world you can make a very powerful personal statement.
Here are a couple of simple examples (taken on different days) of looking around with the attitude that the environment we perceive is constantly changing and the meaning of perceive is equally mutable.
White Light (ZZ) White Light another time (ZZ) Look Up (ZZ)
London (ZZ) Half Full (AZ) Miss You (ZZ)
Island of White (ZZ) Landscape with a Tree (AZ) In the Footsteps of John Constable (ZZ)